In the framework of the reform of governance in the health sector that is presently being implemented by MoHSP, it has been created the Operator of Health Care Services that is constituted by a national directorate and four regional directorates based in Tirane, Shkoder, Vlore and Elbasan. The former directorates of public health are now considered as “local units of health services” (LUHS) and will have more technical responsibilities in terms of monitoring, supervision and information collection rein relation to public health and PHC services.
HAP-2 will assist the Health Operator and its sub-entities to perform specific functions by providing support in: the development of general management capacities for Regional Health Service Operators/LUHS, fostering capacities of LUHSs for data collection assembling and analysis at the regional level, monitoring capacities for the quality of health care system/services, setting up and facilitating the operation of supportive supervision system for PHC services, assuring that available information is effectively used for planning and management of public health services at regional level.