Manuals & Programs

Family Medicine Health Centre in Albania – Proposed Model

Manual “Supportive monitoring of the implementation by the Family Doctor and Nurse of the protocols for the treatment of HTA, Dyslipidemia, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD”

Manual Edukimi Shëndetësor për Sëmundjet jo të Transmetueshme_Cover

Health Education for Noncommunicable Diseases Manual (AL)

Edukimi Shëndetësor për të Moshuarit_Cover

Health Education for the Elderly Manual (AL)

Clinical Audit Standard Procedures Manual (AL)

Manual of Standard Nursing Procedures for Providing Health Care in the Home (AL)

Internal Regulation “For the Organization and Operation of Home-Based Care” (AL)

Guidelines on Peer Groups (AL)

Study program for Health Management Master (EN)

Brochure on Family Nursing Professional Master Program (EN)

Accreditation Quality Standards (AL)

Manual in Support to the Accreditation of Primary Healthcare Centers (AL)

“Drafting, Implementation and Monitoring of Primary Healthcare Centers’ Budget” (AL)