During the Consolidation phase of the Project, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MoHSP), the Operator, and the Local Primary Healthcare Units (LPHUs) will have a leading role in scaling up home care services, protocols, and Peer Groups. Meanwhile, HAP will support these organisations at both the central and local levels by enabling:
– Enhancement of the Operator’s capacities to effectively lead, implement, and monitor home-based care, new protocols, peer groups, etc., as well as the development of the Operator’s responsible personnel for these interventions.
– Technical and infrastructural support to LUHCs to capacitate their teams to coordinate the upscaling of HBC, new protocols, peer groups etc.
HAP will also support the Agency of Quality Assurance by providing:
– Support for the development of its technical capacities related to periodic and systematic monitoring of patient satisfaction.
– Support for the improvement of the accreditation standards of Healthcare Centres (HCs) to make the process easier and more accessible for their staff.
– Support for enhancing the capacities of the Agency to effectively perform new functions and responsibilities.
HAP will collaborate with the Health Insurance Fund (HIF) to consolidate the information systems for the new healthcare services, such as home care.