
Health centers progress toward accreditation

The quality teams of eight health centers in FIer region (Patos, Roskovec, Araniotas, Lushnje No. 1) and Diber region (Burrel, Komsi, Klos, Melan) attended training and coaching sessions for the elaboration of a set of regulatory documents such as: regulation for infection prevention and control, program for prevention and control of diabetes, program for prevention […]


Health for All (HAP) in Albania is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is being implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), through the HAP Center. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved Primary Health Care (PHC) […]

Developments on reforming family nursing

As previously communicated, reinforcing the role of nurses in primary healthcare, is at the base of two HAP outputs, namely: update of the role of nurse in PHC and establishment of a new master program in family nursing. The respective technical groups of each intervention and international experts have worked in parallel. Based on the […]

COVID-19 micro-site

In the light of COVID-19, HAP has published a micro-site that contains educative materials on COVID-19 infection prevention and control with a special focus on advice’s for PHC professionals that can be found HERE.  Please consider that all materials are available in Albanian only. Additionally, HAP is publishing a weekly newsletter on PHC features in […]

Symptoms, transmission and triage

The information is available only in Albanian. Ky material ka informacion për simptomat e COVID-19, mënyrat e transmetimit dhe triazhimi nga ana e profesionistëve shëndetësorë në KSHP duke iu referuar Institutit të  Shëndetit Publik dhe Qendrës për Kontrollin dhe Parandalimin e Sëmundjeve (CDC). Shkarkoni materialin

Second issue: PHC in Albania in COVID-19 context

In primary care health centers services continue to be provided adopted to the latest guidelines of the health authorities with the aim of preventing and controlling COVID-19 infection. In this context, the flow of visits to the health center has decreased as family physicians attend remote telephone/Skype consultation of suspected/confirmed cases with COVID-19, as well [...]

Facial protection

The information is Available only in Albanian Udhëzime për fuqizimin e personelit shëndetësor në KSHP për të mbrojtur veten dhe pacientët ndaj infeksionit COVID-19-MBROJTJA FACIALE Shkarkoni materialin trajnues për mbrojtjen faciale Material trajnues me shpjegim