The quality teams of eight health centers in FIer region (Patos, Roskovec, Araniotas, Lushnje No. 1) and Diber region (Burrel, Komsi, Klos, Melan) attended training and coaching sessions for the elaboration of a set of regulatory documents such as: regulation for infection prevention and control, program for prevention and control of diabetes, program for prevention and control of hypertension and rules of antibiotic prescription in PHC. Participants ((HC managers, family physicians, nurses, accountants and specialists of Local Units of Healthcare Services) appraised the learning materials provided in a form of a booklet and electronically, and in particular the motivational support offered by the peer-trainers/facilitators in the training and in coaching sessions as well. The consistent interactivity, practical sound of the discussions and the tactic of ”do itself” of the learning process under supportive supervision was assessed the most. Consequently, the teams, supported by HAP, developed respective drafts of regulatory documents. The regulation on infection prevention and control has been particularly helpful to all health centers COVID-19 context.