Prof. Axel Hoffmann, an international expert on health management from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland visited Tirana from 11th to 13th of September. During this time, he gave a three-day lecture on Practice-Oriented Project (POP) to the students of the master’s in health management.
The description of the POP module is: “The successful manager should be able to induce change management processes in institutions. Therefore, the aim of this module is to allow participants to contribute to change in their chosen institution or area of influence and to use the new knowledge and skills acquired through other modules of the program”.
The successful completion of the three-day training helps the students to have the necessary skills and knowledge to develop a small project that could be implemented at their workplace or other organizations. The project is an exercise in transferring participants’ knowledge and experience to a practical setting. Furthermore, the project must be small enough in scale to make it manageable and realistic, given the timeframe and the resources available. Lastly, the project should be developed within the participant’s circle of influence, with the aim of being implemented.
It was a great experience for the students of the master’s in health management to learn from the skills and knowledge of Prof. Axel Hoffmann.