Representatives of the Primary Health Care services and the Health for All Project (HAP) conducted a two-day working visit to Pristina on November 7-8, where they were welcomed by representatives of the Accessible Quality Healthcare (AQH) and the Deputy Minister of Health of Kosovo.
The purpose of the visit was to learn more about the interventions implemented in the framework of these projects with a common objective – improving the quality of primary healthcare services. The AQH Project presented significant achievements related to the package of services and integrated care, healthcare quality management, as well as the patient council. Meanwhile, the HAP Project focused on the experience of the implementation of new models of home care services and updated protocols for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases.
During the two days in Kosovo, the HAP Project had the opportunity to visit the central Family Medicine Centre in Lipjan, which is also the AQH Project’s demonstration site. They closely observed the improvement in the infrastructure of the Family Medicine Centre in Gadime and acquainted themselves with the progress of the telemedicine project in the village of Kraishte.
The HAP Project and the AQH Project are being implemented in Albania and Kosovo, respectively, by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).