Re-Call for consultancy services: Strengthening Capacities of Civil Society Organizations for Advocacy in Health

Health for All is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), through the HAP Center. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved and inclusive Primary Health Care (PHC) services.

HAP launched a request for proposals to CSOs on advocacy in health with the focus on PHC. Based on the evaluation made, the proposals lack connection between advocacy issue and activities, clarity on objectives, compliance between objective and activities, etc. Therefore, HAP intends to support the personnel of selected CSOs through a workshop and coaching process to re-elaborate the proposals (revision of the objectives, activity plans, and results, in compliance with the advocacy issues).

For this purpose, HAP is looking for a consultant to conduct a workshop and coaching process, aiming at supporting CSO capacities and enabling them to re-elaborate the advocacy project proposals with clear objectives, activity plans and expected results.

The Terms of References for this consultancy can be found HERE.

The interested applicants should submit the following documents:

  • The consultant CV, demonstrating the requirements in the TORs.
  • A letter of interest, demonstrating specific similar experiences as per TORs.
  • A financial proposal (lump-sum), in ALL, VAT included (if applicable) and taxes included for the above tasks.
  • Registration documents (NUIS, QKB, Court Decision, etc.) if applicable.
  • Certificate of tax liability, stating whether the applicant is subject to VAT or not (issued by e-Albania)

The proposals should be sent in sealed envelopes (in hard copies and scanned in CD/USB) by 2nd of February 2024, 2pm, at the address:

HAP Centre

Rruga “Themistokli Gërmenji”, Pallati Helios, Kati II, Ap.5, Tirana, Albania

If you have any questions concerning this request, please send them by email to by 31st of January 2024.