Invitation to tender – Open National competitive tendering
Health for All is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), through the HAP Center. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved Primary Health Care (PHC) services.
HAP will construct one health center in Ishem, in the municipality of Durres, one health center in Bubq, and one health post in Borizane, both of them in the municipality of Kruja. In the context of this initiative, HAP Centre is requesting offers from companies interested to carry out the construction work.
The required documents, forms, technical specifications and annexes for the bidding can be found in the HERE.
The interested Companies should express their interest in participating in this tender by sending an email to until 17th of July 2020.
The interested Companies can participate in the site visit to take place within fourth week of July 2020. The details of place and time of the visit will be given to the interested Companies within 20th of July 2020.
The bidding Companies should submit their offers to HAP Centre in one hard copy of bid on headed paper and a scan copy for the tender document in CD or USB.
The offer should include:
- Letter of interest (see Appendix 4.2),
- The BoQ Excel sheet provided with the tender documents, filled with the respective prices and totals (BoQ template provided in Appendix 2.1);
- The financial offer, in All, in correspondence with the subtotals and total amounts in the BoQ (Format provided in Appendix 2.0), in a separate envelope.
- Bid Insurance (see Appendix 4.2)
- CV of the company (with proves of the experience of the company in carrying out similar works);
- CVs of Senior Manager suitable for the role;
- CVs of technical team directly responsible for the coordination of the works and to be deployed to the work sites (see Appendix 4.2 and Appendix 4.3);
- The timetable of the works with a brief narrative of the timing and sequence of the jobs to be carried out (see Appendix 4, Appendix 4.1);
- Copy of the registration and license of the company.
- Copy of its status with the tax authorities and confirmation of Tax Authorities for having No obligations.
- Document from the bank as a proof of its commercial links and sound finance (within the required limit for such works, see Appendix 4.2);
For the preparation of the offers, the companies will visit the site, verify, and make its own measurements; a short report of the visit should be added to the offer.
The financial offer and technical offer should be in separate envelopes, and both inside one sealed envelope.
The application should be sent within 4pm, on the 13th of August 2020, to the address:
Subject: Construction work
HAP Centre
Rruga “Themistokli Germenji”, Pallati Helios, Kati II, Ap.1, Tirana, Albania
E-mail:; Website: