On 12th November was the official start of the academic year 2018-2019 for students of the master’s in health management. The Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Economics selected 35 students for the second cohort of the program that started on this day. As part of its support, HAP provided free hard copies of teaching materials for each of the following modules: health economy, health management, statistics, finance and healthcare accounting, social and environmental health determinants, epidemiology, management of health information systems & monitoring and evaluation, leadership and communication skills, organization of the health system and human resource management.
The master’s degree is intended for those individuals who already who already are working in management positions or have a strong background in health, economy, and law, but need specialized health management skills for career opportunities and advancement in the healthcare system.
The master’s in health management is offered by the collaboration of two public universities (the Medical University and the University of Tirana) and it is a unique experience to receive education in the field of health care organizations management for health professionals and leaders in health organizations. The teaching plan is developed by the Department of Public Health (Faculty of Medicine), Department of Management (Faculty of Economics) with HAP offering continuing technical support through the experts of Swiss TPH and University of Basel.
Health for All project has supported the master program through:
-improving teaching infrastructure through rehabilitation of facilities and renovation of teaching equipment at the Department of Public Health
-professional support in the development of the content of pedagogical materials through the training of lecturers
-the purchase of reference books
-the participation of lecturers in conferences, seminars, and other scientific events
-strengthened technical capacities of the professors
-the technical support for the development of the program curricula through the experts of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
-financial support for students in developing their master thesis based on internships in a health care organization in Albania