Request for Proposals | Advocacy in Health: Primary Health Care and Vulnerable Groups

Health for All is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), through the HAP Center. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved and inclusive Primary Health Care (PHC) services.

HAP will further contribute towards the improvement of accessibility and quality of PHC services, with a focus on homecare and other newly established service models. This will be achieved among others through the involvement of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the support for advocacy interventions aiming at inclusion and better accessibility in PHC of vulnerable populations, with a special focus on population groups that are subject of homecare. Moreover, better participation of citizens in the decision-making processes remains an important topic for the project.

In this context, HAP is inviting the CSOs to express their interest and propose plans of activities addressing specific advocacy issues in Primary Health Care to improve inclusion and accessibility for vulnerable populations.

The information about this request for proposals can be found here in word and here in pdf.

The following are the documents which MUST be submitted as an application:

  • A Project Proposal as per Annex 1 of this request for proposal
  • Advocacy plan and timeline of the proposal as per Annex 2 of this request for proposal
  • A budget proposal as per Annex 3 of this request for proposal
  • Overview presentation of the organization highlighting specifically previous advocacy work and experiences.
  • CVs of main experts to be involved in the advocacy project implementation
  • The court decision certifying the registration of the organization.
  • A valid tax registration (NUIS) certificate
  • Certificate of tax liability of the CSO (issued by e-Albania)

The proposals should be sent in sealed envelopes (in hard copies and scanned in CD/USB) by 30th of November 2023, 4 pm, at the address:

HAP Centre

Rruga “Themistokli Gërmenji”, Pallati Helios, Kati II, Ap.5, Tirana, Albania

If you have any questions concerning this request for proposals, please send them by email to by 10 November 2023.