Since March 2019, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection established a technical group to elaborate the strategy for the Primary Health Care development in Albania. The group is composed of experts of public health and primary health care and by international experts who are mobilized by HAP. The technical group has had a series of discussions to analyze different aspects of the primary health care system in Albania and potential for development.
In this framework, HAP organized a study visit of the members of the Technical Group in Slovenia, from 25 to 29 June 2019. Slovenia has managed to implement an efficient primary health care system and provides good practices regarding the management of key issues in public health through primary health care services. During the study visit, the group members got an understanding of the public health system and health care policies, organization of PHC services, organization and functioning of the integrated care model, health promotion and prevention.
During the visit, the Albanian delegation met representatives of Public Health Institute in Ljubljana and visited primary health care centers in Ljubljana and Sevnica.