Health for All is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), through the HAP Center. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved and inclusive Primary Health Care (PHC) services.
HAP is seeking the services of a service provider to implement accredited training of trainers on the “Use of clinical guidelines, protocols and tools for the management of mental health disorders in PHC”. Please note that the Service provider could be a company, an organization and/ or physical person (registered individual with tax ID).
The terms of reference can be found HERE.
The interested applicants are requested to submit offers with the following documents:
1) The profile of the applicant (CV), proving previous training experiences with health care providers.
2) List of the trainers. The team of trainers should be composed of at least 2 (two) trainers: one psychiatrist and one psychologist.
3) The CV-s of the trainers, showing the following:
- i) previous experience with provision of mental health care services
- ii) previous experience in elaboration of mental health related training materials and
- iii) previous experience with mental health related training, preferably to PHC providers
4) The training fee/day, in All, VAT and tax included, including the preparatory work to master training materials provided by HAP and development of the respective PPT and any other eventual working materials/tools. Please note that every training session will be offered by two trainers.
5) Transport cost for trainers in All/km, tax included
6) The registration documents of the applicant (NIPT, QKB, etc) and Certificate of tax liability, stating whether they are subject to VAT or not.
The proposals must be delivered within 14th of May 2024, 4pm, in sealed envelopes (in hard copies and scanned in CD/USB), with clearly marked “ToT for mental health disorders” to the address below:
HAP Centre
Rruga “Themistokli Gërmenji”, Pallati Helios, Kati II, Ap.1, Tirana, Albania