During November 2018, the PerSHENDETje campaign stopped in 13 locations in Diber qark thus increasing the locations number to 27 since its initial phase in June this year.
Non-communicable chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases) are the biggest killer in Albania and the main cause of disabilities. On this regard, HAP piloted this innovative, two-pronged approach with the purpose of 1) Strengthening the health literacy of the community members regarding NCDs, empowering them to prevent them by reducing risk factors, changing behaviors, and increasing demand for screening and treatment at the Primary Health Centers; (2) Engaging and strengthening health professionals, in particular, the nurses at local Health Centres (HCs) to lead and support communities in reducing their NCD-related risks.
The campaign’s methodology is adapted for the Albanian context from experts of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute who have provided know-how and technical assistance. The sessions were implemented by a consortium of Albanian NGOs (Action Plus, Centre “Epoka e Re” and Together for Life) under HAP supportive monitoring and supervision.
The activities targeted the whole communities and families and reached the primary target population of teenagers, young people, and parents. 4000 community members have been reached in selected rural and semi-urban areas of Fier and Diber qark, through the implementation of 25 rounds of the campaign where they learned about non-communicable diseases prevention through adopting a healthy diet, reducing alcohol intake, not smoking and being physically active.