HAP invited its stakeholders and partners for the 6th steering committee meeting on 19th of October in the Rogner Hotel in Tirana. The members of the Steering Committee reviewed the implementation of the work program for the first semester of 2018, the recommendations for the mid-term and the work plan for the remaining part of this year.
The Steering Committee of Health for All Project (HAP) welcomed the progress made by the project over the period January-June 2018 and endorsed the work plan for the remaining part of the year.
HAP project manager Dr. Besim Nuri presented the mid-term progress report, that was endorsed by the Steering Committee members. They further commended the team for the good progress in the implementation of the project’s activities.
The meeting was attended by representatives of key institutions in the Albanian healthcare sector, such as Directory of Primary Healthcare at Ministry of Health, the Mayor of Klos (Dibra Qark) and Deputy Mayor of Lushnje (Fier Qark), Institute of Public Health, UNFPA, World Health Organization and local NGOs, such as Voice of Patients and Aksion +, as well as the donor represented by Mrs. Debora Kern and Mrs. Zhenihen Zanaj of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.