Health for All is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), through the HAP Center. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved and inclusive Primary Health Care (PHC) services.
For project needs, HAP Center is looking for a service provider to offer printing services for the materials detailed in Annex A, which can be found in EXCEL or PDF.
HAP Center will sign a frame contract with the selected provider for a 12-month period.
The bidders for this service should submit to the HAP Centre the following documents.
- Financial offer in ALL, VAT (if VAT is applicable)/Tax included. Please refer to Annex A.
- Offer validity and delivery time as described in the Annex A
- Portfolio of similar works
- Company’s registration documents (NIPT, Extract of QKB, etc) and
- A Document (issued by e-Albania) certifying that (your subject):
- has met its fiscal obligations,
- has paid all social insurance obligations,
- certificate of the annual turnover for the last 3 years
- certificate of tax liability, stating whether it is subject to VAT or not
Please note that the financial offer should be filled with all prices. If the financial offer does not have all the required information, your application will not be considered.
The application package should be sent in sealed envelopes (in hard copies and scanned in CD/USB) within 31st of July 2024, 4pm, at the address:
HAP Centre
Rruga “Themistokli Gërmenji”, Pallati Helios, Kati II, Ap.5, Tirana, Albania
For any question related to this call, please write to the E-mail: within 23rd of July 2024.