Health Magazine Dedicates Special Issue to HAP Project

The magazine Revista e Shëndetit (Health Magazine) has dedicated a special issue to the “Health for All” Project (HAP), as a major initiative by the Swiss government that has profoundly impacted the accessibility and quality of primary healthcare for all Albanian citizens, with a special focus on the most vulnerable groups.

In this issue, the magazine provides a detailed overview of HAP’s interventions over the years, including the strengthening of governance and management in primary healthcare, improving accessibility and quality of life, investments in infrastructure and medical equipment, enhancing continuous medical education, empowering the professional autonomy of nurses, and promoting gender equality.

Among the project’s most significant achievements, the magazine mentions the provision of improved healthcare services for 241,463 residents and 400 healthcare professionals, made possible through the reconstruction and rehabilitation of 31 healthcare facilities, the training of over 2,500 doctors and nurses, and the involvement of more than 4,000 professionals in continuous education activities, as well as the supply of 136 health centres with medical bags for doctors and nurses.

The magazine also highlights the provision of home healthcare, one of HAP’s key interventions, for over 1,400 homebound chronically ill or elderly patients, a crucial support that eases the burden of care on their families and provides essential services for a marginalised group.

The project’s impact on raising healthcare standards through the introduction of new protocols for non-communicable diseases, elderly care, and mental health disorders, along with the training of medical staff to ensure accurate implementation of these protocols in daily clinical practice, is also underlined.

The newly defined role of nurses as autonomous healthcare professionals enabled through specialised training, is recognised as one of HAP’s achievements. This new role has been pivotal in reorganising work within health centres, allowing for more specialised and accessible services for citizens nationwide.

Another key success has been the project’s role in promoting equality by encouraging women’s participation in decision-making roles within the healthcare system and reducing the stigma that men face when seeking medical services.

The issue concludes with an interview with the Project Manager, Mr Besim Nuri, and testimonials from direct beneficiaries of the project, who highlight the transformative role HAP has played in improving the healthcare services provided to citizens by health centres.

With this special edition dedicated to HAP, Health Magazine emphasises the Project’s significance as an inspiring model for the sustainable development of public health and the enhancement of the quality of life for all citizens.