Kindly be informed that this call is closed! All applicants will be informed on their application within April 15, 2020. Thank you!


Health for All is a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation project implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, in collaboration with the HAP Center in Albania. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved Primary Health Care services.

HAP aims at strengthening and improving PHC organization and services in Albania also through the support for operational research on health system and services and strengthening of young researcher capacities. In this frame, HAP is inviting all the interested applicants to apply for Operational Research in Health.

Click below to download the call for application:

The interested candidate should submit the following documents in English language:

  1. A research proposal that should follow the lines presented in Annex 1 of this call “Application Form of Research Proposal”. Explanations about the application items are listed in the same annex.
  2. Workplan as per Annex 2 of this call.
  3. Financial proposal should be submitted in a separate sheet. Ineligible expenses are mentioned in part 4 of this call.
  4. A letter from the institution where the research will be conducted confirming the interest for this research and willingness to support implementation of the project. A format of the Letter is provided as Annex 3 of this call.
  5. CV of research applicant and a letter of motivation, demonstrating previous research experiences in case there are, and/or training experiences on research topics, and expressing what is their motivation for application to the scheme.
  6. CV of mentor supporting the applicant along the process, from conceptualization to finalization of the project.

All the items mentioned above should be submitted to the secretariat of the of micro-funds for operational research, on the addresses deadline for submission is 20 February 2020, 4pm. Delayed submission of any required items will not be accepted.If you have any questions concerning this call, please send them by email to by 7 February 2020. Phone enquiries will not be answered.

Click below to download the annexes: